the story

The Great War is over. Her Battle has just begun.

"A charming look into life in a small town suffering the after affects of WW1 - surprisingly funny too!"
"A brave foray into the sexuality and morals of post WW1 Australia."
"Beautifully paced, engaging aesthetic, original, worth seeing."
"A movie about how art can become a catalyst for change."
"A charming tale of love and small town prejudice."
"A wonderful film about the power and love of Art."
"Bush magic with Parisian flare."
"Whimsical and entertaining."

War, art and love erupted in an Australian country town in 1920, when a shell-shocked Frenchman gave LIFE DRAWING classes.

Georges and Sadie

Christophe Truschel as Georges & Lysette Le Cerf as the farm girl.

Life Class

Georges has great difficulty instructing the locals in the principles of 'art'.
It is more difficult controlling his fiery model.

Sadie and George

In their sun induced reveries, the imaginations of the artists float through the bush. War, love and longing: a flock of sheep flows through their life class, woolly sheep and the nude model. Georges imagines covering Sadie and him with fleece.


The Temperance Society goes into overdrive to uphold decency and destroy the life class. 
A posse of angry locals arrives, inflamed by Sadie's nakedness and led by a disturbed English returned soldier, Corporal Bown. The confrontation turns to violence.

Major and Mob

The old Major, part of the sketching group, repels the attack and the louts retreat.
But the wounds of the war persist and work to keep Sadie and Georges apart.

Sadie Appeal